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Rich Brownstein's
Articles & Print Interviews

The man who’s seen more than 400 Holocaust movies — almost every one ever made — has some takeaways

By Andrew Lapin / OCTOBER 1, 2021: JTA/Jerusalem Post/Cleveland Jewish News/Jewish Journal/Wisconsin Jewish Chronicle/St. Louis Jewish Light/Jewish News of Northern California/South Florida Sun-Sentinel/The Forward

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The greatest Holocaust movie ever made, starring Steve Buscemi, debuted on 9/11. It’s time to revisit it.

SEPTEMBER 10, 2021: JTA/Jerusalem Post/The Forward/Times of Israel/South Florida Sun-Sentinel/Washington Jewish Week/Omaha Jewish Press/Intermountain Jewish News/CT Jewish Ledger

Why wasn’t Auschwitz bombed, really?

FEBRUARY 3, 2020: Jerusalem Post

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Are Holocaust films Oscar bait?

FEBRUARY 8, 2020: Jerusalem Post

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‘Eva.Stories’ and Holocaust film trends

OCTOBER 2, 2019: Jerusalem Post 

A jaw-dropping Anne Frank Video Diary

APRIL 21, 2020: Jerusalem Post

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My Trip to Poland
MAY 26, 2016:
The Times of Israel


The true and the fake: A review of Holocaust films

By HANNAH BROWN/ JANUARY 22, 2020: Jerusalem Post

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Social Impact Authors: How & Why Rich Brownstein Is Helping To Change Our World

By EDWARD SYLVAN / SEPTEMBER 27, 2021: Authority Magazine


Holocaust Cinema Complete

By Chris Lydgate/ March 2021: Reed Magazine

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Quelques idées de l’homme qui a vu presque tous les films sur la Shoah

By Andrew Lapin / October 2021: Times of Israel France

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